Why eating a piece of fish is so healthy


Fish is one of the healthiest foods on the planet. And there are good reasons for that!


  • Fish is rich in protein. Good for building and recovering muscles. Want to eat a piece of divine tuna after a workout? Good idea!
  • Fish is full of vitamin D, which helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Hello, soft skin!
  • All the creatures caught from the sea are also very rich in fish oil, a kind of natural source of healthy fatty acids that keep your heart, eyes and brain in top condition. It also has a favourable effect on your cholesterol and your hormonal balance. A little miracle cure, in other words.
  • Did you know that fish eaters are also happier? Studies have shown that regularly eating a piece of fish reduces depressive moods. How is that possible? Apparently, fish oil is also a natural anti-depressant. So the occasional piece of salmon does wonders for your mood. And you know what they say about a day without laughter...
  • Sleep better? The wealth of vitamin D in fish also ensures an optimal night's sleep so that you can feel fresh and alert every day.
  • And finally...fish is good for your waistline! It is a lot leaner than other sources of protein such as meat and dairy products, and contains fewer calories for a lot more nutritional value. A real top deal!


Eating fish or shellfish a few times a week is excellent for both mental and physical health. Our Sea Bites salads are a good choice if you want to taste the wealth of the sea in the form of delicious fresh meals.